AI-Daily-Interview is an invaluable resource that employs advanced AI techniques to enhance your prospects of receiving daily interview invitations by using AI smart tools.

It's a Daily Interview Machine.

First Gift, Get 200 Free Emails of the biggest companies in your country!

Get Your Extremely Cool Bonus more than 200 Free jobs emails by registering!

Apply to hundreds of opportunities in minutes with our AI effortless system

Be ready to receive an interview invitations on a daily basis, and ensure you are well-prepared.

The AI-Daily-Interview package offers


Free CVs & Cover Letters

199 $ Emails Extractor Software (For free)

AI E-mails Scraping Tools

Smart E-mail Writing Tools

Send Bulk Emails at once

100% Guaranteed job offer

Get 200 free emails! Plus, use powerful software for FREE. Your interview is on us!


Thanks to the implementation of AI-Daily Interview tools, Micheal managed to secure a job within a week, in stark contrast to Charles, who is still patiently waiting for an interview call using traditional methods by sending 9 Emails daily.

Decide between being Michael or Alex...

Michael vs Alex

Lifetime offer for your future Jobs

$ 24.16 ONLY

($ 96.64) 75%OFF

One time payment

  • 1000 Free CVs & Cover Letters.
  • 199 $ Emails Extractor Software.
  • AI E-mails Scraping Tools.
  • Send Bulk Emails at once.
  • AI tools to write E-mails.
  • Minimum send 200 Jobs E-mails per day.
  • %100 Guaranteed job offer.

Crack the code now: Unlock the secrets to landing interview invites!

CV and Cover letter

Invest the necessary time and write a professional CV and cover letter. (Use the package templates)

Email Scraping tools

Use the powerful extensions and add-ons to extract E-Mail ID's automatically from Web pages (Links available in the package)

Expired E-mails for jobs

Extract email contacts for new job vacancies and exclude expires job postings (Check the videos in the package)

AI tools to write E-mails

Use AI-powered tools email writer to quickly compose professional emails. (Links available in the package)

200 Emails per day.

Send a mass emails daily to several recipients in Gmail using "BCC" . (Not more than 200 daily from one email)

Filter wrong e-mails

Prior to sending the email, carefully review your list and eliminate any inaccurate email addresses.

Address not found

Mail Delivery Subsystem: Delete the messages which wasn't delivered because the address couldn't be found

Chance for an Interview

Follow the tips and presents a chance to be invited for 3 interviews daily by sending 200 Emails.

Land your dream job in days, not weeks. Only AI-Daily-interview that puts you ahead.